Friday, December 14, 2007

I Write the Songs that Make the Whole World Glad I Don't Write Songs More Often

I've been listening to HitKast on the web radio Accuradio now for a few months, and I've realized that I know a freakish amount of songs. Let me rephrase that -- a ridiculous amount of "mainstream pop songs written mainly for the 12 - 17 year-old set." The realization came when, as I was humming along to a particular favorite, one of my co-workers walked by and was all like, "My youngest loves that song -- she was mad when they banned it from playing at her sixth grade dance." Um, yeah... good times. Never fear, though, as I am currently working on developing a more "mature" palate. Perhaps something along the lines of My Chemical Romance or Blue October. Baby steps, people -- I have to walk before I can speed walk (um, yeah, I'm not built for running).

PHOTO: If my musical maturation goes as planned, I will soon evolve a cult-like adoration for the lyrical stylings of that international chanteuse, a one Ms. Miley Cyrus.

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