Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Andy Dick Gets the Beating He So Richly Deserves

Jon Lovitz beating up Andy Dick is really great news for all of us who loved Matthew from NewsRadio, but cannot fathom how Dick managed to parlay that into a sustained career as d-lebrity asshole to the stars. This news does cause one to wonder, though -- who will be the one to give Lovitz the beating he so rightly deserves?

MEMORABLE QUOTE: (Lovitz on Dick): "I wanted to punch his face in, but I don't hit women."

PHOTO: Because of Lovitz's recent surge in popularity, producer Keenan Ivory Wayans is said to be considering him for a re-make of his 1988 cult classic "I'm Gonna Get You, Sucka", aptly renamed, " "I'm Gonna Get You, Schmeckle" to reflect Lovitz's Jewish heritage and sexual proclivities.

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